The International Travel App helps customers keep track of their call, messaging, and data usage while traveling internationally.
The app automatically recognizes different roaming countries and pricing zones, and alerts the customer to changes in plan rates. International rates are significantly higher than domestic rates, and because usage over foreign partner networks cannot be tracked in real time within AT&T's billing systems, the International Travel App calculates usage by tracking local data and synchronizing against biller records on scheduled cycles.
The design strived to simplify the presentation of complicated plan details, changing rates, and an overload of information by giving customers different layers of information to help them make decisions. The layering and progressive disclosure allows for information that is clear and easy to understand, rather than trying to provide every detail all at once. For example, if a user can see on the top screen that they have plenty of unused megabytes, there's probably not a need for them to drill in to see extra details. If they are close to hitting their data cap, they may want to dive in further to understand which apps are using the most data.
Try the InVision demo.